The fun about being an author is that you have nowhere to hide.  It must be rather like an athlete on the luge. You are flying down a mountain with your most delicate parts ahead of you and little chance of stopping if it all goes wrong.

When you first send off a story to the world, you have no defenses.  Everybody can criticise what you have done, hiding behind their shield of, “Well, I am only trying to help them improve”.  Rarely do people just come out and say that you are rubbish, but sometimes we are damned by feint praise.

It is with this in mind that I adore anyone who has given me the time to review my book.  Putting aside my mates, I love the Bigdog 97 or HerculesQ who sends in reviews anonymously and is thus free from the tyranny of platitudes.

So thank you Francofile for your anonymous and supportive review.

“I absolutely loved this clever and original novel. It shows the life of a police inspector in Cambodia and through that device we see some of the culture and politics of the country – sometimes similar and sometimes very different to our own. I do hope this is adapted for television and our hero joins the pantheon of great TV detectives such as Poirot, Maigret and Father Brown. Hugely enjoyable. Hoping for more from the author.”

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